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Business Units

GranBio’s business model is based on integrated solutions comprehending the entire value chain of biomass to biofuels, biochemicals and advanced renewable materials

GranBio’s business model is based on integrated solutions comprehending the entire value chain of biomass to biofuels, biochemicals and advanced renewable materials. The ultimate goal of integrated business units is to deliver Net Zero emission products in harmony with food and social impact.

In addition to creating and developing biotechnologies to produce zero emission biofuels and biochemicals, GranBio owns and operates its proprietary flexible biorefineries. SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) produce from biomass and syngas is one of the main business focus of GranBio’s.

GranBio operates with 3 business units:


BioEdge is the business unit in charge of developing, executing and operating GranBio’s biomass flexible biorefineries – BioFlex. BioEdge also licenses energy cane Vertix with exclusivity to 2G customers. As a developer, BioEdge also provides viability studies on biomass logistics, co-generation and finance engineering in a whole green chain approach. It is located in São Paulo, Brazil and has BioFlex I – GranBIo’s 1st 2G Ethanol Plant at commercial scale, and BioVertis which holds the know-how and technology on biomass logistics.

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Based on Thomaston R&D Center in Georgia, USA, this unit is responsible to create, develop, process engineer and register GranBio’s know how and patents. Its physical structure has 4 pilot and demonstration integrated biomass biorefineries operating for more than 12 years. Thomaston has already tested more than 18 different types of biomass in AVAP and GP+ platforms.

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Also headquarterd in Thomaston (USA), BIoPlus develops and licenses GranBio’s nanocellulose technologies. Our patented nanocellulose types has been tested and prototyped in a vast variety of renewable composites in plastics, cement, solvents, rubber, medical tissue, paperboard, cosmetics and as fluid for fracking. BioPlus business strategy is based on full cooperation with universities, scientists and company partners that offer firm product demand.

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